Our Priests

Priest in Charge
The Rev’d Mark Vincent

Fr Mark was a longstanding parishioner of St Pauls before being ordained in 2008. He is a Minister in Secular Employment and he and his wife Julie continue to run their consultancy practice, Insight Plus, which was founded in 1994. He is on the Management Committee of ChaplainWatch, on the Board of the Motorama Charity Foundation and on the Advisory Board of Attitude Pictures (NZ). He has served on several other corporate Boards over the years. His client base is wide ranging both geographically and in terms of sectors represented. He has a strong interest in workplace ministry and is Honorary Chaplain at Easts Leagues Club.

Permission to Officiate
The Rev’d Paul Bland OAM

Paul was ordained an Anglican Priest in the Diocese of North Queensland in 1993 and his contribution to and involvement in the Anglican Church in Australia has been impressive. In addition to his 13 years of work within the Anglican education sector as a Principal, Paul has also subsequently been a school chaplain, a member of School Council of two Anglican schools and ultimately the Chair of those same two School Councils viz. Coomera Anglican College and St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School. Paul is a Priest Associate of the Order of the Society of the Sacred Advent (SSA) which is an Australian Order of Anglican nuns. He also serves as a member of the SSA Trust.

Permission to Officiate
The Rev’d Dr Cecilie Lander

Associate Professor Cecilie Lander is a neurologist who has worked in private practice and at the Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital for over 40 years. Cecilie was ordained Priest in 1996 in the Diocese of Brisbane. She has served in parishes across Brisbane, including The Brookfield Centre for Christian Spirituality, St Paul’s East Brisbane and St John’s Cathedral. She has been spiritual director for several clergy and lay persons. Her work as neurologist and her priestly ministry have combined imperceptibly as she has had the great privilege of caring for and walking beside others through their life’s journey. This has included those with chronic illness, disability and supporting many of them while dying. She is an Anglican Benedictine Oblate of St Mark’s Abbey, Camperdown, Victoria. Meditation, the foundation of the contemplative way of prayer, is her mainstay. As such she has been a member and teacher of the World Community for Christian Meditation since its early days and she is an authorised Zen Roshi (Master) of the Brisbane based Sun Mountain Zen Sangha which holds weekly meditation evenings in the St Paul’s Church Hall.

Wardens and Parish Administrator

Priest’s Warden
Lloyd Barron

Lloyd Barron is the longest serving member at St Paul’s and has been both the Priests’ Warden and a Liturgical Assistant for over 40 years. Prior to retirement he worked in a senior role in the Brisbane City Council. He now manages a number of his own investment properties across the city and his skills as a handyman have come in extremely useful. On at least two days of the week, he can be found at St Paul’s undertaking a restoration project, completing a repair job, working around the grounds or setting up in preparation for the Sunday service. It is people like Lloyd, who so willingly and enthusiastically give of their time, who keep churches like ours going.

People’s Warden
Bart Seaton-Said

Bart Seaton-Said works as a professional musician. He graduated from the Queensland Conservatorium, Griffith University in harp in 2015 and is a teacher of harp and piano, founder of Harp Tidings and harpist with Duo Faun. He is one of the Organists at St Paul’s. Bart also holds a degree in theology (1997) and has twelve years’ experience of Anglican Franciscan life. He has worked in inter-faith relations and among persons living with disabilities as well as at the University of Queensland and Griffith University in chaplaincy. He regularly plays harp in hospital, palliative and aged care facilities as a member of the Stairwell Project.

Parish Administrator
Dr Clare Seaton-Said

Clare is the parish administrator at St Paul’s and has been associated with the parish since 2013. She has a PhD in the field of historical musicology. Clare’s interests include reading non-fiction, walking, indoor gardening, and cooking for family and friends.

Members of Parish Council

Julie Vincent
Assistant Treasurer
Mike Willis
Parish Councillor
Nadine Dwyer
Parish Councillor
Glen Gole
Parish Councillor
Ron Swanwick
Parish Councillor
Alan Kenyon